Little Treasures Nursery
Ras Al Khaimah

Foundation Stage Class (FS1)
(3-4 Years)
Our preschool classrooms are specially equipped to suit children from
3 – 4 years.
Sample Daily Routine:
09.00 – 09.20am Greeting children, Goodbye to Parents followed by
supervised free play
09.20 – 09.40am Circle Time: Teacher brings the class together for morning
routines, calling the register, calendar, sharing stories,
topic of the week, discussion of the days planned activities
and singing.
09.40 – 10.00am Outdoor Play Time (Weather Permitting)
10.00 – 10.15pm Wash Hands/Toilet Visit/Nappy Changes
10.15 – 10.30am Snack Time
10.30 – 11.30am Group activity linked to the Topic of the Week/Art & Craft/
Music & Movement/ Show & Tell/ Academic Work
11.30 – 11.45am Outdoor Play Time (Weather Permitting)
11.45 – 12.00pm Wash Hands/Toilet Visit/Nappy Changes
12.00 – 12.15pm Lunch Time
12.15 – 12.45pm Extra Curricular Activity (Movement & Dance/ Musical Instruments/ Baking / Library/ Free Flow Activity etc)
12.45 – 13.00pm Tidy Up/Shoes On/Bags Ready & Story time while waiting on parents to arrive.
In addition, one session per week will be allocated to P.E. (Physical Education) which will include running, football and other sporting activities.
Little Treasures Nursery’s curriculum concentrates mainly on the three prime areas of learning & development as set out in the EYFS Curriculum which includes:
Personal, Social & Emotional Development : Making relationships, self-confidence and self-awareness & Managing feelings and behavior
Communication & Language: Listening and attention, Understanding& Speaking
Physical Development: Moving and handling & Health and self-care
Our curriculum also includes the four specific areas of learning & development as follows:
Literacy: Reading & Writing
Mathematics: Numbers & Shapes, Space and Measure
Understanding the World : Peoples & Communities, The World & Technology
Expressive Arts & Design : Exploring and using media and materials & being imaginative
Little Treasures Nursery operates a Weekly Topic Program with a new topic being introduced each week.
Weekly Topics include:
*All About Me * My Family * Cooking week * Construction Week * Senses Week * Creepy Crawlies Week* Gardening Week * Space Week * IT Week * Transportation Week * Recycling Week * Reading & Book Week* Road & Fire Safety Week * Healthy Eating Week * * Friendship Week ……………….and lots more fun filled and educational topics.
During our academic calendar most of our arts and crafts and learning activities are based around our weekly topic. All classes from babies to preschoolers and right through to the foundation stage class follow the same weekly topic, just at a different level catered to suit each age group.
In addition to the above, our Preschool and Foundation Stage Classes follows the Jolly Phonics method for teaching literacy. For more details on the Jolly Phonics approach, please click here:
Our classroom is equipped with a touch screen desktop so the children spend a little time each week at our IT Station where they can use educational applications to help improve their fine motor skills, memory, concentration etc.